Venice Andreas - He/Him - Adult
Ven aka Mr. "Yeah I'll do that job too"


Besides the host, Venice is the longest standing alter in our system!
While blunt, stubborn, and fairly anti-social, Venice is all around a good guy and easy to get along with.
He's deeply caring by nature, and takes very good care of the system. Without him, we'd probably crash and burn!
Venice is an avid horror enthusiast and adores the genre in all media forms. He has very strong opinions on the genre, and loves talking about them.
alter identity
Venice takes on the most roles in the system, and insists on doing them all. He is the primary Protector and Gatekeeper, a general Caretaker mainly for the hosts, a Trauma Holder, and has become a Co-Host himself. He's a busy guy.
Besides that, Venice identifies as a demon, which isn't surprising given his appearance. Tall, Horns, Weird Eyes, Sharp Teeth, etc etc. It's a given.
personal associations
💀, Purple, horror media, Capricorn, December 28th, Jordan Peele, cheesecake