HOSS - HE/HIM - 45
Dad, Demon Dad, Cowboy


Hoss is the oldest alter (age wise) in the system, and tends to be the father figure to all of us.
A true southern gentleman, Hoss is caring and compassionate, he's a gentle and steady soul, and doesn't often make appearances outside the headspace, due to him having trouble staying in the front.
He very easily blends with others and loses his sense of self fairly quickly when fully fronting, so he tends to care for the matters inside the head, while Camilla cares for the ones outside the body.
Hoss is very good natured and easy to get along with, though many get a bit flustered by the way he talks.
alter identity
Hoss is one of the systems caretakers, he spends a lot of his time taking care of Milk and anyone else who needs it.
We call Hoss a 'cowboy demon dad' for a reason, not only is he a cowboy but hes a whole demon, the hat tends to hide the horns.
personal associations
🐻, 🌵, ☀️
red, orange, cowboys, Cole Cassidy, deserts, grizzly bears, flannels, cowboy hats, guitars, fatherly bonds, thick southern drawls, mexican cuisine, southern bbq, pumpkin spice